

The 多样性和包容性办公室主页的学生、教师和工作人员提供各种各样的资源. 提供这些资源是为了帮助促进多元化的校园社区, 为代表性不足的学生群体创造更多接受高等教育的机会, 促进有意义的对话, 支持学术卓越和包容性的项目和合作伙伴关系.

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Resources: Books
Title Author Year Published Theme Available in MU Library
Is it a Choice? Yes
A Hope in the Unseen Ron Suskind 1999 第一代黑人学生 Yes
A Journey into the Deaf-World 哈兰·莱恩,罗伯特·霍夫斯特,本·巴汉 1996 Deaf/hard of hearing No
《美国女性:玩偶、苦力、帮手和女英雄的400年 Gail Collins 2007 Struggles of American women Yes
安德鲁·托拜厄斯,世界上最好的小男孩 LGBTQ Yes
Barracoon:最后一艘“黑货船”的故事 Zora Neale Hurston 2018 Race and ethnicity Yes
Between the World and Me Ta-Nehisi Coates 2015 种族、阶级歧视、社会正义和特权 Yes
查尔斯·布罗的新回忆录《我骨子里的火 LGBTQ Yes
黛西·埃尔南德斯,我床下的一杯水 LGBTQ Yes
亲爱的美国:一个无证公民的笔记 Jose Antonio Vargas 2018 政治,移民和移民 Yes
Debating Race Michael Eric Dyson 2007 非裔美国人社区的阶级冲突,政府偏见,公民权利 Yes
别担心,他走路走不远的 John Callahan 1990 残疾、性、美国福利和政治制度 Yes
一切都在肯塔基俱乐部开始和结束 Benjamin Alire Saenz 2012 性,性别,墨西哥裔美国人文化,贫穷,毒瘾 Yes
欲望之眼2:一个聋人的lgbt读者 Raymond Luczak 2007 Deaf/lgbt No
女权主义是为每个人:激情的政治(第二版) Bell Hooks 2015 Feminism, race, class, gender Yes
I Survived the Killing Fields Seng Kok Ung 2011 Racism, Communism Yes
我在尽可能地走直路 Geri Jewell 2011 Disability awareness/LGBTQ Yes
Imogene Binnie’s Nevada LGBTQ No
珍妮特·温特森的《橙子不是唯一的水果 LGBTQ Yes
看着我的眼睛:我与阿斯伯格的生活 John Elder Robison 2007 Disability awareness Yes
Lotería Mario Alberto Zambrano 2013 墨西哥裔美国人文化,性别,阶级,种族 Yes
男人起来:重新塑造现代男子气概 Carlos Andrés Gómez 2012 性别,男子气概,平等,文化 No
Mapping Decline Yes
New Jim Crow Racism Yes
Part Asian, 100% Hapa Kip Fulbeck 2006 年龄,种族,夏威夷文化,种族 Yes
特权、权力和差异 Allan G. Johnson 2005 美国社会的特权、接纳和差异 No
Race Matters Cornel West 2001 非裔美国人的问题,领导,平权行动,黑人和犹太人的关系性 Yes
Racism Without Racist Racism Yes
Roll of Thunder, Hear my Cry Mildred D. Taylor 2004 种族隔离、偏见、种族主义、贫困和种族问题 Yes
Stamped from the Beginning Racism Yes
Still Me Christopher Reeve 1999 改变生活的残疾,挣扎,个人接受 No
Tears We Cannot Stop Racism Yes
Thank You for Your Service David Finkel 2017 War, veterans Yes
The Color of Law Racism Yes
The Color Purple Alice Walker 1982 权力,特权,种族,妇女权利 Yes
The Common Good Robert B. Reich 2018 哲学、商业、国内政治 Yes
夜间狗的离奇事件 Mark Haddon 2004 Autism and children Yes
The Girl Who Fell From the Sky Heidi Durrow 2010 种族,混血,身份,少数民族经历 Yes
The House on Mango Street Sandra Cisneros 2009 性别,平等,公平,墨西哥裔美国人文化,种族 Yes
The Kite Runner Khaled Hosseini 2004 阿富汗的政治动荡和撤离的斗争 Yes
新吉姆·克劳:种族歧视时代的大规模监禁 Michelle Alexandar 2015 种族,刑事司法系统,监禁,社会公正 Yes
The Way I See It No
我看待它的方式:个人看待自闭症和阿斯伯格症(修订和扩展第二版) Temple Grandin, Ph.D. 2011 Disabilities; autism and aspergers vs. neurotypical Yes
There Are No Children Here Alex Kotlowitz 1992 市中心的病理,种族,少数民族的经历 Yes
Uprooting Racism Racism Yes
Waist-high In the World Nancy Mairs 1997 Life with a disability Yes
What Are You? 混血青年的声音 Pearl Fuyo Gaskins 1999 种族,性别,年龄,民族,文化变迁,习俗 No
White like Me Racism Yes
《像我一样的白人:一个特权之子的思考 Tim Wise 2007 Race, privilege Yes
为什么所有的黑人孩子都坐在食堂里?:以及其他ca88平台官网种族的对话 Beverly Daniel Tatum 2017 Racism, privilege Yes
Yellow Racism No


Movies & Documentaries

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Resources: Movies
Title Year Rating Theme
42 2013 PG-13 Race, racial crimes
12 Years A Slave 2013 R Race, racism, equality
13th 2016 TV-MA Civil Rights
A Beautiful Mind 2002 PG-13 精神疾病/精神分裂症、残疾人
A Day Without a Mexican 2004 R 种族,墨西哥裔美国人,经济
A Fantastic Woman 2017 R LGBTQ
American History X 1998 R 种族,种族犯罪,帮派暴力
Amistad 1997 R Race, slavery, history
Angels in America 2003 Unrated 艾滋病,宗教,毒瘾,性取向
Broke Back Mountain 2005 R 性取向、歧视、暴力、身份认同
Brokedown Palace 1999 PG-13 暴力、特权、种族犯罪、腐败
Charlotte Sometimes 2003 R 身份,性暴力,亚裔美国人社区,多种族身份,社会经济地位
Children of a Lesser God 1986 R Disability- deaf and hearing
Crash 2005 R 种族主义,性暴力,特权,反犹太主义,性别歧视,异性恋歧视
聚焦大奖:美国民权之年 2009 Unrated
Fences 2016 PG-13 Classism, race, family
Gandhi 1982 PG Religion, violence, peace
Hale 2017 Unrated Disability awareness
Higher Learning 1995 R
Hotel Rwanda 2005 PG-13 种族灭绝,性暴力,战争,腐败
I Am Sam 2002 PG-13 Person(s) with disabilities
If These Halls Could Talk 2006 Unrated Racial collegiate experiencee
If These Walls Could Talk 2000 R 堕胎,妇女权利,少女怀孕
If You Could See What I Hear 1982 PG Disability awareness
温柔地杀死主页:广告中的女性形象 2010 Unrated Gender roles
Milk 2008 R LGBTQ, equality
Monster’s Ball 2001 R Racism, awareness
Moonlight 2016 R 性,非裔美国人研究,毒品/成瘾,暴力,青春期和成年期
Murder Ball 2005 R Identity, injury/disability
Music Within 2007 R 聋人/听障人士,残疾,平等
My Life 1993 PG-13 Illness/death
North Country 2005 R 妇女权利,社会经济问题,劳动力中的妇女
从前,当主页是有色人种的时候 1996 PG Race, racism, equality
Philadelphia 1993 PG-13 LGBTQ, disability rights
Priest 1994 R
Remember the Titans 2000 PG Race, racism, equality
School Ties 1992 PG-13 Religion
Simon Birch 1998 PG-13 Disability, religion
Sometimes in April 2005 Unrated Genocide
Strong Island 2017 TV-MA Racism, Civil Rights
The Color Purple 1985 PG-13 权力,特权,种族,妇女权利
The Joy Luck Club 1993 R 女性问题,亚裔美国人问题,文化冲突/变化
The Killing Fields 1984 R
The Laramie Project 2001 Unrated LGBTQ问题/历史,仇恨犯罪,性
The Miracle Worker 1962 Unrated 残疾意识/教育,聋人/盲人意识
The Other Sister 1999/td>

PG-13 残疾意识,社会经济问题
The Vietnam War 2017 TV-MA War
Through Deaf Eyes 2007 Unrated 残疾意识,聋人人口,19世纪美国历史
Tiptoes 2003/td>

R Dwarfism
Torch Song Triology 1988 R 宗教,双性恋,社交媒体
Transamerica 2005 R LGBT population
When the Levees Broke 2006 Unrated 贫穷和弱势群体,种族


Podcasts & Media

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Resources: Podcasts
Title Website Topic
代际变化是如何发生的 On Being Culture
Making Obama WBEZ Political
Painting Michelle Obama Smithsonian Political
Radiolab的边境三部曲,第2部分:坚守底线 Radiolab Immigration
Radiolab的边境三部曲,第三部分:剩下的 Radiolab Immigration
St. 路易斯:黑白历史 St. Louis Public Radio Social commentary
The American Life St. Louis Public Radio Social commentary
We Live Here St. Louis Public Radio Social commentary
Various This American Life Social commentary



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